
Retreat Guide

One of the richest places for friendship growth is a retreat. It may be two friends or a group of 8 or 10, but the desire is to create quiet, safe, fun environment away from the normal busy-ness of life. The guide in this section gives suggestions for how to do this and suggested prayer and scripture focus. You will see that we try to remove outcome expectations but see ourselves like the early Celtic monks. They had small skin boats called coracles. They put up a small sail and wherever the wind took them was the next place they were to minister.

When we go on retreat together we are getting into a metaphorical coracle. Food, drink, accommodation, retreat tools are all put in the service of the Spirit. The Spirit, with the help of a gentle leader may take us together into experiences of God and one another we never expected. I have been leading retreats in this manner for 30 years – we are all always surprised and never disappointed in the experience of God and one another that emerges in this freedom.