
Retreat Guides

One of the richest places for friendship growth is a retreat. It may be two friends or a group of 8 or 10, but the desire is to create a safe, leisurely environment away from the normal busy-ness of life.

Group Guides

You may have a group that meets regularly for spiritual friendship. The guides in this section are designed to help with listening to God in the life of Jesus in conversation with one another.


Personal Contemplation

At the heart of friendship with God and our close friends is developing the inner stillness that allows us to sense the moves of the Spirit in our own lives. Out of that stillness comes a sensitivity to the moves of the Spirit in others. Creating space and time for meditating on the life of Jesus shapes and transforms us and our view of the world.


You now have the opportunity to purchase books directly from Touchstone’s own Online Book Store.  Simply click on the cover of the book you would like to purchase, fill out the required information, pay by credit card, and you will receive your books..



We have numerous video conversations available for viewing on our YouTube channel. Please visit and subscribe.

Seasonal Prayer Cards

Here is a collection prayers, suggestions and scriptures that have been useful to many and we offer out of our experience together.



Audio versions of all podcasts are available for listening on our Soundcloud and Apple Podcast platforms.


A series of video & written conversations of dynamic people in ministry and leadership.

A series of 8 Blogs of Norm’s reflections on 40 years of Spiritual Friendship ministry.