Cash has no Conscience

December 3, 2018


And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?  I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?’  (Luke 18:7,8 NIV)

 Cash has no Conscience

We’ve been flooded with news about a plant closing in Ontario. Some said, “We might have thought that the government subsidies to the company might have bought some loyalty.” I must be just an old cynic, but that made me smile at the optimism.

The issues around this particular closing are complex and rightly fraught with emotion and compassion for the workers caught up in the maw of corporate decision making. When billions constantly move around the globe in Nano-seconds, they seldom descend to local communities which get lost in the shuffle.

Millions of refugees, displaced peoples and victims of war and famine never make it to the front of our minds – or get access to the flitting billions.  But the Creator calls us to care and be mindful of these powerless ones.

When Jesus spoke about faith, he almost made it synonymous with justice. When he looks at us, does he see faith to pray and work for justice?

A Prayer for Today

Loving Father, the cries of the powerless, the least of us, never seem to end. It feels like justice is still too slow and the hungry and broken are left to fend for themselves too often. Grant me persistence, and faith, to work that justice comes …. For Jesus’ sake