Sorrow & Turmoil

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
(Proverbs 31:8,9 NLT)

Sorrow & Turmoil
Our fascination with the roiling political scene to the south of us was jarred with the brutal shooting of people at prayer in Quebec City. I was leading a retreat last weekend and the last thing we considered while we prayed was our safety and security.

I scanned the many declarations from politicians at all levels of our society. But read few. I’m not sure they make any real difference on the ground where we engage with one another. But we can make a difference to one another in our discourse.

It is easy to adopt the very anger and dehumanizing of another that has created the attacks and the political firestorm. I must speak on behalf of those whose rights are being compromised even when I profoundly disagree with them or even fear them.

As people of faith we need to remember our call to love broadly and unconditionally. But we can also be pragmatic enough to remember that the rights we speak to protect for others will be preserved for us.

A Prayer for Today
Gentle God, the noise is deafening and the pain is deep. Grant comfort to those who have been victimized by the violence of attack in their Mosque. May they find safety in the protection of their friends in the family of faith in Jesus… Give us the ability to challenge wrong when necessary, not out of self-protection but out of your charity and kindness … for Jesus’ sake


Joel Clements

Joel has built a successful business that is focused on delivering creative solutions to complex design and communication challenges. As the creative lead on every project at Brainstorm Studio™ Creative Services, Joel directs a network of creative and technical professionals brought together to provide the highest level of service and expertise in all aspects of print and internet communications. The professional network that Joel has built allows him to offer his clients high caliber solutions at a very competitive rate. Brainstorm Studio™ Creative Services provides a range of creative services including branding, marketing, and communications to both large and small businesses.